Root canal treatment (RCT)

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Root canal treatment (RCT)
Root canal treatment may sound terrifying to dental patients when they hear their dentist say, "You need a root canal treatment (dental nerve filling)!" But is it that difficult and painful? We'll discuss it in detail in this article. But first, let's talk about the structure of teeth to understand what happens during a root canal.
Structure of the teeth:
Teeth are composed of several layers:
1- Enamel layer: This is the outermost layer of the teeth and is composed of large amounts of minerals.
2- Dentin layer: This layer comes after the enamel layer and is composed of more organic materials and fewer minerals.
3- The inner layer of teeth: This layer is composed of connective tissue, nerves, stem cells, and blood vessels.
What happens to the layers of teeth when decay occurs?
Decay occurs as a result of bacterial accumulation in the teeth due to neglecting dental hygiene and bacterial feeding on food residues. The factor of time also plays an important role in the deterioration of teeth from decay as it spreads between the layers of teeth until it reaches the nerve. At this point, the patient requires a root canal treatment.
Stages of nerve inflammation:
Stage 1: Reversible nerve inflammation:
This is the stage that can be treated without the need for a root canal treatment. The caries are very close to the nerve and may be accompanied by pain. If the caries are treated at this stage, the teeth will not need a root canal treatment.
Stage 2: Acute nerve inflammation:
This stage is usually accompanied by severe pain that increases during sleep. The solution is quick root canal treatment.
Stage 3: Chronic nerve inflammation:
This is the misleading stage of nerve inflammation, as it may not be accompanied by pain, and the patient may think he has recovered. However, in reality, the nerve is in a state of decay and decomposition, resulting in loss of sensation. At this point, the nerve becomes like a ticking time bomb that can progress to the fourth stage at any moment.
Stage 4: Abscess formation:
An abscess occurs as a result of the body fighting against the decaying tissues in the tooth, and it is accompanied by severe pain that begins to erode the jaw bones as well.
Can nerve inflammation heal without treatment?
The answer is no, except in very rare cases, because the inner layer of teeth where the nerve is located is a very sensitive area that is responsible for transmitting sensation and blood to the teeth. Therefore, in most cases, if decay and inflammation reach the nerve, a root canal treatment is necessary.
How do I know if I need a root canal treatment?
The need for a root canal treatment is not necessarily associated with severe pain, as the patient may not feel pain due to the decay and death of the nerve and loss of sensation. 
Therefore, when experiencing pain or seeing any decay in the teeth, it is necessary to immediately visit a dentist to avoid reaching advanced stages of nerve inflammation, which require longer treatment.
3 Dental myths about root canal treatment:
As we mentioned at the beginning of our article, the term "root canal treatment" is accompanied by a lot of fear due to the spread of many rumors and myths about it. We will mention some of them:
Myth 1: Root canal treatment requires many sessions:
These words are not true, as nerve filling now with a skilled and experienced dentist, especially those found here on the MedtrypFinder website, only takes one session in 90% of cases due to the modern technologies and techniques used in the procedure.
Myth 2: Root canal treatment is very, very painful:
These words are not true, as root canal treatment is now done without pain thanks to these techniques:
Electronic root canal filling device.
Special anesthesia techniques for root canal treatment.
The latest dental laser device in the world is the EPIC X device.
Of course, dear reader, these techniques are not available in all dental clinics, so we advise you to choose a dentist who has these modern techniques, tools, and devices.
Myth 3: Root canals can not be completely cleaned!
This may happen with an unskilled dentist or in a dental clinic that is not very clean, unsterilized, or unqualified. However, in dental clinics on the MedTripFinder website, we guarantee the highest level of quality, sterilization, and the latest devices that give you access to all root canals, cleaning them completely, and ensuring that they are free of any deposits or bacteria.
Steps of root canal treatment in detail:
1- The dentist will anesthetize the teeth with local anesthesia.
2- He removes the decay from the enamel and dentin layers.
3- The dentist continues to clean the tooth from decay until reaching the nerve.
4- The dentist inserts the measured cone for the root canal filling to seal the gaps so that bacteria do not re-enter the inner layers.
5- A filling is placed on the tooth to protect it from decay.
What are the prices for root canal treatment?
As we mentioned in previous articles, dental procedures are considered some of the most expensive procedures in the world. However, Egypt is known for having some of the most skilled dentists who offer high-quality dental services at reasonable prices. MedTripFinder advises you to choose a good dentist so that you can get dental services of the highest quality, safety, without pain, and at a reasonable price.
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