Gynecological endoscopes

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Gynecological endoscopes
9 advantages of diagnostic and therapeutic gynecological endoscopes:
The latest endoscope has revolutionized various medical specialties. It is used in many surgical procedures as traditional surgeries have become outdated due to their problems and complications. Here are some advantages of using a gynecological endoscope:
1- Completely safe procedure.
2- Quick procedure that takes only a few minutes.
3- Without pain.
4- Short recovery period, after which the patient can resume her daily tasks.
5- Better vision as a result of endoscopic magnification.
6- Very short hospital stay.
7- No uterine adhesions, unlike open surgery.
8- Less blood loss.
9- A better cosmetic result due to the smaller incision size.

1- Hysteroscopy:
What is a hysteroscopy?
A hysteroscopy is a medical device that enables a gynecologist to see inside the uterus for diagnosis or treatment. This is done by inserting a thin tube connected to a camera through the vagina to reach the uterus. The doctor can then see everything inside the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

Types of hysteroscopy:
1- Diagnostic hysteroscopy:
It is performed to diagnose some gynecological problems such as severe bleeding, severe pain in the pelvic area, or problems of delayed pregnancy and childbearing.

2- Therapeutic hysteroscopy:
It is performed after diagnostic hysteroscopy to treat the problem that has been discovered. It is usually done immediately after the diagnostic hysteroscopy to save time.

What is the best time to perform a hysteroscopy?
The best time to perform a hysteroscopy is one week after the menstrual cycle to enable the doctor to see inside the uterus accurately and clearly. The patient must fast for 8 hours before the procedure.

Hysteroscopy step by step:
1- A mild sedative is given to the patient to help her relax. Some cases require general anesthesia due to their severe fear of the procedure.
2- The cervix is dilated.
3- The endoscope tube connected to the camera is inserted through the vagina to reach the uterus.
4- Carbon dioxide gas is pumped to expand the uterus and remove adhesions.
5- The doctor performs the required procedure.

If you experience these symptoms after the hysteroscopy, do not worry:
1- Mild abdominal cramps.
2- Minor bleeding for two days.
3- Shoulder pain due to trapped gas in the body.

Symptoms that require consultation with a doctor:
If you experience these symptoms after the hysteroscopy, you need to consult your doctor:
1- High fever.
2- Severe bleeding.
3- Abnormal discharge.
4- Severe abdominal pain.

Cases requiring hysteroscopy:
1- Before ICSI, to ensure that there are no problems or difficulties that may lead to ICSI failure.
2- To remove adhesions.
3- To determine the cause of unexplained severe bleeding.
4- To remove the intrauterine device in some cases.
5- Uterine septum cases.
6- To cauterize the ovaries in cases of severe bleeding in older women.
7- To diagnose and remove fibroids from inside the uterus if they have a certain size.

Cases prohibited from performing hysteroscopy:
1- During the menstrual cycle.
2- In case of acute inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

2- Laparoscopes:
Laparoscopes are also used to diagnose and treat many gynecological problems. They are used to explore the causes of infertility and inability to conceive.

10 cases diagnosed and treated with laparoscopy:
1- To explore the cause in cases of repeated ICSI failure.
2- Cases of endometriosis.
3- Removal of ovarian tumors.
4- Treatment of adhesions.
5- Examination and unblocking of fallopian tubes in case of blockage.
6- Cases of severe recurrent bleeding.
7- Diagnosis and treatment of uterine abnormalities.
8- Hysterectomy.
9- Ovarian cysts.
10- To explore tumors and cancers of the reproductive system.

3- Colposcopy:
Colposcopy is a very important medical instrument for examining the cervix and vagina closely to detect any changes in the cells, especially if a Pap smear is abnormal. Tissue samples can also be taken for analysis if the doctor discovers any abnormal changes in the tissues.

Cases diagnosed with colposcopy:
1- Inflammation of the cervix.
2- Precancerous changes in cervical tissue.
3- Precancerous changes in vaginal tissue.
4- Tissue changes that precede vulvar cancer.

Follow these tips before undergoing a colposcopy:
1- Do not schedule the procedure with your doctor during your menstrual cycle.
2- Avoid having sex two days before the procedure.
3- Avoid vaginal medications two days before the procedure.
4- Your doctor will prescribe a pain reliever for you to take before the procedure.

Normal symptoms after colposcopy:
You may experience these symptoms after the colposcopy, which are normal and disappear within two days:
Vaginal pain.
Dark vaginal discharge.
Mild vaginal bleeding.

Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy prices for women in Egypt:
Endoscopy prices in Egypt vary according to the gynecologist who will perform the procedure, the hospital, and the patient’s condition.

MedTripFinder will guide you to the right choice:
When choosing the doctor who will perform the endoscope for you, take your time and choose calmly. It is a procedure that requires experience and precision for accurate diagnosis and, accordingly, proper treatment and avoid repeating it. Therefore, MedTripFinder is proud to be able to assist you in finding this doctor through a group of gynecologists known in Egypt for their skills, experience, and success stories.
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